The HEALing Revolution Diet: A Science-based Approach to Heal Your Gut, Reverse Chronic Illnesses, Lose Weight, Clear Your Mind, and Increase Longevity

Read the ONE and ONLY book you need to live a healthy and long life. It's been called:
"This amazing book gives wonderful insights."
"Informative, Practical, and Insightful"
"A Blueprint for Health"
"A Solution for Optimal Health for Everyone"
"A True Bible of Nutrition and Health"
Food Can Be Our Medicine... or It Can Be Our Poison
Somewhere in the past 50 years, we have lost touch with our food; we have undervalued it; we have blamed it for our weight and health issues; we have delegated the quality of what we feed ourselves and our families to the big food companies and fast food restaurants.
Diets Do NOT Work!
Diets are always too restrictive, with limited choices that make cheating so appealing.
DIET: Daunting. Ineffective. Exasperating. Tiresome.

The definitive guide to living a healthy and healed life, preventing/reversing chronic health issues.
We can all HEAL!
This book demonstrates how you can all live a life of health, happiness, peace, and love.

Timeline of Our Food & Health Demise

Dr. Randall
About Dr. Randall Hansen, Ph.D.
Dr. Randall is a Healing and Health Evangelist, Educator, Ethicist, Mentor, and Thought-Leader Helping the World HEAL!
He is on a Divine mission to help everyone find health and healing… the fundamentals to living a long, healhy, and happy life! Learn more on his personal website.