Healing and Health Are Possible!
All disease starts in the gut.
Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, stated this more than 2,000 years ago.
Food can be your medicine, helping you HEAL… or food can be your poison.
For the last five decades, the foods we eat have been dramatically altered and engineered by nutrition scientists working at the big food companies, including Nestle, General Mills, PepsiCo, Kraft Heinz, Kellogg’s, Mondelez, Mars, Coca-Cola, and Unilever.
We are now mostly consuming Frankenstein Foods...foods that start with real ingredients that you and I would recognize, but then those foods are chemically modified to strip the good fiber while adding sugars, seed oils, and a host of chemical additives to produce that … burger, pizza, cereal, syrup, sauce, etc.
Our food system is flawed; it has major cracks throughout. We industrially produce our food – including grains, vegetables, and meats – with inferior raw ingredients laced with toxic chemicals, including pesticides, herbicides, and antibiotics. Sugar is an addictive and harmful substance pervasive in many of the foods we buy, whether at the grocery store or in restaurants.
The poor food quality, along with other lifestyle changes, has led to chronic diseases dominating the healthcare system and becoming the leading causes of death – including heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, dementia, and more. The food we eat is harming us when it should be healing us.
We need to HEAL! We need to change our relationship with food. Diets don’t work, but the approach in this book, based on the latest science and medical understanding, needs to be implemented by everyone. Following this approach will lead to better physical and mental health (including the potential reversal of some chronic conditions) as well as enhancing longevity and providing a healthier lifespan.
Please… Stop dieting... and HEAL with the HEALing REvolution Diet book!
Healing Revolution Diet Food, Nutrition, Health, and Healing Articles:
You can Heal Your Gut, Reverse Chronic Illnesses, Lose Weight, Clear Your Mind, and Increase Longevity! Order your copy of The HEALing Revolution Diet today!

The Healing Revolution Diet Recipe Collection

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Find a continually growing list of Dr. Randall's favorite treats for dinner, snacks, and more on our sister site, EmpoweringAdvice.com: Easy Recipes for Healthy Foods and Snacks.