Why We Face a Major Health Crisis

Written by Dr. Randall Hansen, Ph.D.

Diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), strokes, heart disease, cancers, fatty liver disease, and kidney failure (as well as obesity, gout, and others) are all on the rise in the U.S. -- all due to the ultra-processed foods and fast foods in our diets.

How's your health? Have you been diagnosed (or self-diagnosed) with any major health issues? How is your blood sugar? Are you insulin-resistant (or prediabetic)? How's your blood pressure?

How's your mental health? Do you deal with anxiety or depression? Do you suffer with brain fog?

More and more, we are discovering -- and really have already discovered -- that the many chronic health conditions we are facing today come mainly from the extremely poor foods we are eating, including conventionally produced animal-based and plant-based foods, fast foods, takeout, and all restaurant foods.

Our foods have ingredients coated in chemicals that are then altered in such a way as to strip away the beneficial fiber and other nutrients while adding large amounts of added sugars and toxic seed oils.

The numbers are staggering, and not only will we be seeing many more slow deaths with people suffering from several preventable diseases, but the healthcare costs for these unnecessary illnesses are expected to be staggering.

Here are the numbers:

  • About 50 percent of Americans suffer from hypertension, which is directly related to an increase in strokes and heart disease.

  • Close to 30 million Americans have diabetes, about 1 in 10; but the numbers are exponentially growing every year. (Many others are undiagnosed.)

  • More than 9 out of 10 Americans are metabolically unhealthy, meaning they face at least one of the following conditions: increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels.

  • Nonfatty liver disease is now the top liver disease. This condition is a direct result of our bodies being unable to process the high amounts of sugar (fructose) we consume daily. (We now consume more than 100 pounds of sugar annually.)

  • About three-quarters of Americans are overweight. We have never been fatter; with more than 2 in 5 U.S. dealing with obesity.

Our current foods are poisoning us, slowly killing us with multiple chronic illnesses -- all of which are preventable!

Final Thoughts on Our Chronic Health Crisis

For today, if you want to prevent or start trying to reverse these conditions, please do two things:

  • Reduce your consumption of repacked, prepared, ultra-processed foods and fast foods/takeout.

  • Greatly reduce -- ideally stop -- refined sugar consumption. Sugar is highest in candies and cakes, but also high in sodas, juice, coffee drinks, and energy drinks ("diabetes waters"). Sugar is also insidious, and is added to breads, crackers, sauces, chips, condiments... just about all those types of foods.

Finally, please do NOT just accept another pill/medication to deal with problems with your diet and lifestyle. Your goal should be to get off ALL prescriptions and use food as your medicine... not your poison.

Additional Food/Diet/Nutrition Resources

Order your copy of The HEALing Revolution Diet today!

In the meantime, if you're looking for more diet and nutrition information, please see more at RandallSHansen.com.

Too many prescription pills
Too many prescription pills
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hypertension meme
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