Factors Leading to Our Current Health and Healing Crisis

Written by Dr. Randall Hansen, Ph.D.

It's not just about food and diet. Yes, many of the processed (and all of the ultra-processed) foods found in grocery stores, convenience stores, and all types of restaurants (though fast foods are the worst) are toxic and/or have toxic ingredients that are slowly killing us, but it’s not just the foods that are affecting our health and livelihood.

As you move forward with a health and healing journey, all the issues negatively affecting your health should try to be addressed – but they do NOT need to be addressed all at once, and some are completely out of your control so that the best you can do is mitigate the circumstances.

  • Food choices (eating too much sugar and ultra-processed foods over real foods)

  • Sedentary lifestyle (we should be moving throughout the day, but don’t)

  • Addictions (fueled by trauma; especially to drugs/alcohol, but also gambling, shopping, porn)

  • Separation from nature (artificially living life indoors, separated from nature, foods)

  • Cigarette smoking (because of the harsh chemicals; pure tobacco is not inherently bad)

  • Sleep habits (most people do not get enough consistent hours of sleep, key for healing)

  • Environmental factors (including air pollution, electromagnetics, and microplastics)

  • Culture (a harsher, less forgiving, opinion-based anger; especially social media)

  • Stress (increasing and chronic levels of mental tension caused by difficult situations)

  • Economic (forcing poor choices in food, hygiene, and other key health factors)

  • Community (the Western model forces more isolation; loneliness epidemic)

  • Healthcare (which focuses almost entirely on sickcare; prevention is almost nonexistent)

  • Housing (real estate and rents sky-high, taking more of household budget; lack of supply)

Additional Food/Diet/Nutrition Resources

Pre-order your copy of The HEALing Revolution Diet today!

In the meantime, if you're looking for more diet and nutrition information, please see more at RandallSHansen.com.

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healing revolution health factors
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Healing Revolution Diet


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