15 Reminders of Living the Healing Revolution Diet
Written by Dr. Randall Hansen, Ph.D.
The premise: The Healing Revolution Diet is about moving toward a health and healing journey that leads to optimal health and a long healthspan.
These tips serve as a reminder as you complete the Healing Revolution DIet protocol.
Healing Revolution Diet Reminders
Eliminate sugar in all forms
Reduce most ultra-processed foods
Cook more meals from scratch
Focus on healthy fats and proteins
Eat more fiber
Buy more locally-raised foods
Eat mindfully without distractions
Move after every meal
Tighten your eating window
Try (more) fermented foods
Consider growing some of own foods
Limit snacks
Be diet flexible and make changes as necessary
Eat more superfoods
Fix lifestyle issues
Additional Food/Diet/Nutrition Resources
Order your copy of The HEALing Revolution Diet today!
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You can find additional diet and nutrition articles at RandallSHansen.com.